The Arduino pin numbering can definitely be confusing, the most important thing to realize is that a 'pin' as defined by Arduino doesn't actually match up with the physical pin on the processor. So the Arduino "pin 1" is not the same as the real pin 1 on the processor.
From the Arduino view point, all of the 'pins' are based on the shield connectors and shield signals. So digital pins go from 0 - 13, and analog pins from A0 - A5.
On the TinyDuino it's the same as on the Arduino, although we show the IO as well, so "IO0 = Arduino pin 0", "IO1 = Arduino pin 1", etc.
So from the software side of things, if you want IO0 to be set to a logic-high (a '1'), you would write:
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(0, HIGH);
Again, the important thing is to ignore the actual pin numbers of the processor that you see on the schematic when you are writing your software. Just focus on the numbers after the IO and you should be good.