Proto Board pins

navic · 9 · 22762


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What is the Arduino IDE mappings to the pins of the Proto Board?  Are IO0-9 digital 0-9?  What are the three RSV pins?  Are SS, MOSI, MISO and SCK also digital 10, 11, 12 and 13?



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Hi Navic,

Sorry for the confusion - yes the pins map directly to the same ones on an Arduino Uno:

IO0 = 0, I01 = 1, etc.

AD0 = A0, AD1 = A1, etc.

SS = 10, MOSI = 11, MISO = 12, SCK = 13.

The three RSV pins are reserved for future use, and currently are not used on any boards. 




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I have to say this is partly why I have been so confused by arduino as things just don't make sense, hardware wise.
For example, I load the blink sketch, which turns pin 13 high and low on a delay. The software makes perfect sense.

So I look at pin 13 on your schematic which shows that pin 13 is IO9. However when testing the Proto 1 pin for I09 I get no voltage. But, when I load the sketch, the on board green LED lights (as I'm told it should), however the schematic says that's pin 17, SCK which according to the sketch shouldn't be doing anything. When I test the proto 1 board SCK pin, I do get voltage, ~4.75v on the pin when the light blinks.

If I edit the blink sketch to, say,  pin 10, which based on the arduino schematic points to IO6, I also do not see any voltage on that proto 1 board pin for I06..
I'm just trying to connect an external LED to the proto, so far no luck.
What am I missing here?


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The Arduino pin numbering can definitely be confusing, the most important thing to realize is that a 'pin' as defined by Arduino doesn't actually match up with the physical pin on the processor.  So the Arduino "pin 1" is not the same as the real pin 1 on the processor.

From the Arduino view point, all of the 'pins' are based on the shield connectors and shield signals.  So digital pins go from 0 - 13, and analog pins from A0 - A5.

On the TinyDuino it's the same as on the Arduino, although we show the IO as well, so "IO0 = Arduino pin 0", "IO1 = Arduino pin 1", etc.

So from the software side of things, if you want IO0 to be set to a logic-high (a '1'), you would write:

Code: [Select]
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(0, HIGH);

Again, the important thing is to ignore the actual pin numbers of the processor that you see on the schematic when you are writing your software.  Just focus on the numbers after the IO and you should be good.




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I knew it was something "dumb".

So why the disparity? What's the point of labeling the pins, if they don't actually align to the programming?

But this should be enough to get me going. Thanks for the response.
I did tons of reading and evaluating sketches, but something just wasn't quite lining up. Now it makes sense.


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The Arduino pins are abstracted from the "real" pins on the processor for a few reasons.  The biggest is that different versions of the processor boards (like Leonardo vs the Uno) have different processors, and the Arduino pins are not always connected to the same "real" pins on the chip.  Instead everything in the Arduino world is referenced to the "pin" as seen on the Arduino shield connectors, which stay constant, unlike the pins on the actual processor chip, which may change from revision to revision if the chip changes.




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Hi there,

i just started with the TinyDuino.

But hey there is not a single spec. for the proto shield pins on your website?

I´m not able to connect it because i don´t know the meaning of the pins. So lets make a guess:

I00 - I09 Digital In/Output
SS - ?
RST - Reset maybe? What signal it needs?
MIS0 - 1 ?
RSV0 - 2 - Spare not used
AREF - Is this analog ground?
SCK - ?
GND - Ground
AD0 - 5 - Analog In/Out
VIn - Suppy 5V for Duino
5V - Output 5V DC for use
3V3 - Output 3,3V for use
VCC - ?
VBATT - Input from Battery but which Voltage?

Can someone explain those pins to me?

Thanks in advance..........
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 08:20:20 AM by hellmaker »


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Anyone knows which pins i can use as pwm outputs?


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Hi hellmaker,

I apologize for the delays in getting back with you and for the scarce documentation on the website, we are working on much improved docs. 

Since the TinyDuino uses the exact same pin mapping as a standard Arduino Uno, the standard Arduino documentation is a great place to see what each pin does.   So the PWM is supported on pins: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11.

The pins labelled the SS, SCLK, MISO and MOSI pins are the SPI lines which are also digital signals for the Arduino. 

SS = 10
MOSI = 11
MISO = 12
SCK = 13




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