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Messages - DeepMake_Luke

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Problems uploading sketch to TinySaber
« on: November 04, 2023, 03:04:57 AM »
I'm trying to upload a sketch onto the tinysaber, but I'm having some problems and I'm not sure what the issue is, so if anyone has any insight that would be much apprciated!

Here's the error message I'm, getting:

"Compilation error: fork/exec /Users/luke/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/avr-gcc/4.8.1-arduino5/bin/avr-g++: bad CPU type in executable"

Some more info: I'm using a 2018 macbook pro, running version 2.10 on the arduino IDE. Also, just in case it's worth mentioning, once the tinysaber is plugged in (and tinysaber rev2 becomes the preselected board) , the option in the tools-->programmer menu for "Arduino as ISP" is no longer present as it states it should be in the instructions page.

Any insight /help very much appreciated  :)

I thought some of you might like to see a 3D printed marble track I made that incorporates some tiny circuits components.

I used the tinysaber in the 'LED Track' section, and in the 'Audio Track' section I used a tinyzero, speaker, ambient light sensor, wireling adapter, large button and microphone.

To take a look go here

Thanks so much for the info!! :D

In practical terms, what does 'lithium battery management' mean for the TinyZero. Does it turn off so the battery does not go below a certain voltage? Also, does the lithium battery charge when the tinyzero is plugged in via the usb cable?

Any help/insight appreciated, and thanks in advance to anyone who replies  :)

Thanks so much for your help, the buzzer example sketch works!!

Thanks again for your support, however I still cannot get a sound out of the speaker/amplifier, even when I use the example sketch (so without changing the sound file).

Is there a simple way I can just check if it's working? Just to get it to make any sort of noise at all?

Another quick question if that's OK?

I am going through the tutorial, and attempting to use my own audio. In the 'Audio Conversion' section of the tutorial it says that I should take the following actions:

Navigate to the Arduino project folder downloaded earlier using a file explorer
Left click/select all the text in the file path bar and type 'cmd'

It seems this is only for windows users. Is there a way to do this on a mac?


Update - This is my attempt at doing the mac version (sorry if I am sounding a bit stupid here btw): So I right clicked on audioamplifierwireling in the path in the finder, and clicked 'open in terminal'. Then pasted in 'bin2header.exe sample.raw' and this returned the following:

luke@Lukes-MBP AudioAmplifierWireling % bin2header.exe sample.raw
zsh: command not found: bin2header.exe

The sketch I am uploading is the unaltered example sketch (so I have not changed the audio files). When uploading it says it's using 30% of the program storage space. Once uploaded too, I cannot hear any sound from the speaker except for a super super quiet static sound.

Thanks so much for your help btw.

Hey all,

When I upload the audio amplifier example sketch to my tinyzero/wireling adapter it disconnects itself from the port (after successful upload), and in order for it to be available/visible on the port once more I need to put it into bootloader mode.

This does not happen when I upload the blink sketch.

Does anyone know what may be the cause of this?



It works great!!!!

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

This is awesome! Thanks so much!!  It's super late here right now but will upload and test the sketch tomorrow. If there's any tweaks I'll let you know and look forward to seeing it in action. So exiting!! If you pm me your address for the marble track that'd be great.

Hey everyone,

I make marble tracks and I'm using a tinysaber in a new piece of track I am building. I'm embedding it in a piece of track and I want the LEDs to light up sequentially when a marble hits hit (so once the accelerometer senses movement basically).

I'm not so great at programming however, so I have a suggestion for a bit of a trade which will hopefully be a win/win. If someone is up for making the code I will send them a 'pro pack' of the marble track which retails for around $250

Here's my website so you can get a better idea of the marble track I'm offering from my side of the trade:

I've attached a little video of the track with the tinysaber embedded in it so you can see what I'm referring to as well.

I'm hoping someone replies, but on the off chance that more than once person does I will honour the first person to say they will do it.

I look forward to hearing from you, and if you need clarification on anything I've said please just let me know,


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