The emails after the kickstarter kept soliciting the submission of projects that had used the hardware. That doesn't make much sense when there's not even a pinout available to base a project on.
I spent some time this afternoon trying to get the TinyLily to work, with mixed results. Here's the pinout as best I've found so far. The challenge was increased by the silkscreen being incomplete.

Starting at just left of the top, and going clockwise:
A0 - analog input
A1 - analog input
A4 - analog input
A5 - analog input
0 doesn't do anything
1 is +3.54V
2 is digital I/O as pin 2, I've only tried O
3 - digital I/O as pin 3 with PWM output (you can analogWrite to it a value 0-255)
I figured out that pin 3 is pwm only because it's used that way in the motor shield demo on this site.
I'm guessing the board is not working correctly, it seems like 0 and 1 should be digital I/O as well.