Broken TinyScreen+

G-Mom · 1 · 4698


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My TinyTv screen has stopped working. We had just assembled it in the plastic TV, but couldn't get display operational. So we disassembled it and plugged it in to micro-USB, and the screen woke up, at the Settings screen. We then left it plugged in (outside of the TV frame) to charge the battery. After a few hours, testing it showed the Countdown video working. We kept it plugged in, and when later tried to turn it on--nothing. No setting screen, no videos, nothing.

Have spent hours with the device plugged in to my computer while I tried to upload programs from the Arduino IDE. It recognizes the Com port, the Tiny Board, and I have audio confirmation from the Tiny TV speaker of power on and power off when I flick the switch, plus audio chime from my Windows laptop when I plug the microUSB cable in that it's connected to something live--when TinyTV switch is On, and that the connection ends, when I turn the TTV switch off.

I cannot force it in to bootloader mode. Tried it under battery power and under MicroUSB power, tried multiple On/Off cycles with the combo button press defined for this....and still no screen display. Maybe I am in bootloader mode on the device, but I have no way to confirm because the screen is blank.

As I said, uploading Sketches from the Arduino IDE appears to work, the process indicates Upload successful. But still no screen.

Anyone have a way to test the TinyScreen+ itself for integrity? I don't think any physical trauma happened to it while it was plugged in, it was in a sheltered spot while charging. Could a power surge from the charging cable have fried the screen?


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