More storage for tiny video player


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In the description of the product is says that you can fit up to 5 hours of movies and other media into the tiny tv and I was wondering if it can be load it up with even more hours of content if I decide to purchase another microSD with more memory capacity or if the tiny Tv will only work with the microSD it comes with.

Additionally; if you can use another microSD with more storage, is there any formatting procedure that must be done in order for it to work with the tiny video player?


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Yes, you can definitely load more videos on a larger SD Card, but you will then be limited by the battery inside the TV on how long you can continuously play videos.

The SD Card should be formatted to FAT32, you can accomplish this by using an SD Card Formatting Utility ( Make sure any important files on the SD Card are moved before starting this process - all files will be deleted during formatting.

I hope that helps!



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