HC-SR04 on proto board

SageSG · 2 · 7720


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Hi everyone I am new to this forum,

I am working on a school project for a collision prevention system using an ultrasonic range sensor (HC-SR04). It works perfectly with a buzzer(5V Piezo) and led lights on Arduino UNO.
Link: https://www.hackster.io/Vijendra/arduino-based-collision-detection-warning-system-d1beec

I want to integrate this to the Tinyzero processor (ASM2021) with a proto board (ASD2009) as TinyDuino is somewhat the same as the UNO. The problem is the HC-SR04 stopped working entirely after connecting loosely on the proto board using male-to-male jumper wires. The buzzer and led lights works fine, but the reading from the HC-SR04 sensor is 0 on the serial monitor. It does not read anymore using the UNO board.

I checked the pins/ connections and tried resetting the HC-SR04 using GND and VCC but to no avail.
Link: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=216079.0

Reasons I can think of that causes the sensor to malfunction is the voltage difference between the boards, or the codes for UNO cannot be used directly on TinyZero.

I am really new with building tinycircuits and arduino, so please type in simple terms.
Really grateful if there is any suggestions for a fix.

- A lost soul


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It sounds like you may have damaged the ultrasonic sensor with the loose connections if you are no longer able to read data using the Arduino UNO that previously worked with the sensor.

For testing a circuit without making soldered connections, you might want to consider using the Proto Terminal Blocks TinyShield in the future: https://tinycircuits.com/collections/proto-boards/products/proto-terminal-blocks-tinyshield

As mentioned in the forum post you linked, even if you were using less voltage than the 5V required by the HC-SR04, it sounds like the sensor would function at some capacity.

Let me know if you are able to get the sensor working with the Arduino UNO again!



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