The Moisture Sensor Wirelings all have the same I2C address, I believe it is 0x30 - it is common for many I2C devices to have the same address amongst their copies.
To individually address each sensor, you would ideally want a multiplexer to be able to switch between different sensors with the same address. Our Wireling Adapter TinyShield, RobotZero, Wireling Pi Hat, and Arduino Wireling Shield all have a PCA9544 multiplexer (at address 0x70) for this reason. (The WirelingZero is a little different hardware-wise)
On top of the four ports available in a single Wireling Adapter TinyShield (that you can stack on any of our processor boards: TinyScreen+, TinyZero, TinyDuino) or RobotZero, you can add up to 7 more Wireling Adapter TinyShields while changing the
address resistors (0x70-0x77) for a total of 8 boards, meaning a total of 32 possible wirelings per processor.
I hope that answers your question and gives you a little background on how we get around address conflict with I2C devices!