SmartWatch does not show for pairing

ke1g · 1 · 5060


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I received a new TinyScreen Smart Watch Kit this week and put it together last night.  I configured board, processor, and comm port as the tutorial indicates, had to add tiny screen, ST BLE, and time libraries to get it to build, and it then uploaded properly.  Charged the battery.  Took off the USB shield and stacked processor with ST BLE and screen boards, and, with battery and switch on, it fires right up, giving expected display and button responses.

Got the apk installed on my Galaxy Note8 (supports Bluetooth 5.0, should include BLE, other Bluetooth stuff works).  App starts as expected, but doesn't find BLEWatch.  It does (when scan is pressed) find "Unknown" (whether or not the watch is powered, or even assembled, so I guess that there must be some other BLE device around my house).  The app spins for as long as I care to wait if I ask it to connect to Unknown.

Anything obvious that I'm missing?  Can someone suggest next steps?

TIA, Bill


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