Tinyduino load cell to display on tinyduino matrix led

antyoo · 2 · 11837


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Hello all

tinyduino is my first experience with arduino

I am looking to connect a 3 wire load cell wired up with a half bridge and a hx711 amplifier to the tinyduino with a matrix led to display the load

I would appreciate any help when it comes to how to connect the hx711 to the tinyduino while also connecting the tinyduino matrix led as well as any recommendations/sample code for getting it up and running

Thanks in advance

Ben Rose

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Hi- we've used the HX711 with a TinyDuino before. SparkFun has a great basic breakout with a very good tutorial: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13879 Their code can be used with any Arduino including TinyDuino, and you should just need to pick two open IO pins(maybe A0 and A1, since the Matrix board uses 2 through 9). These could be connected through one of our proto boards.



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