I'm using a TinyArcade that I picked up yesterday at Maker Faire 2016 and running into an issue when attempting to *upload* the TinyScreenBasicExample sketch. I'm running environment Arduino 1.6.12 which may be the issue.
Current versions being used (latest as of 10/02/16):Arduino SAMD Boards v 1.6.7
TinyCircuits SAMD Boards v 1.0.4
Error I'm receiving:java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "{runtime.tools.bossac-1.6.1-arduino.path}/bossac": error=2, No such file or directory
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1048)
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
I've attempted to use earlier versions via Boards Manager, and in doing so, rendered the TinyArcade useless. I then had to reset it.
I suspect that the Java Runtime cannot find the specific "bossac" library but I don't know enough about Java to investigate further.
Current location of "bossac" library below. As you can see, the library name differs from what we see in the error message above. ie: above we see "bossac-1.6.1-arduino.path and what has been installed in the screenshot below is "1.6-aduino"
I've tried downgrading and running Arduino SAMD Boards v 1.6.0 but that didn't help either, and I received the same error message.