Smart Watch Files

kagiac · 4 · 12333


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I have all the components for the Smart Watch (bought them separately) but am having trouble printing the case.  When I downloaded the files, they weren't marked as .stl files.  I added the extension and was able to open the files in both Cura for Lulzbot and TinkerCad but the size is super small. I can scale it up but don't know what the exact dimensions are. What's up with this?


Ben Rose

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Missed this, sorry- can you let me know where you downloaded the files? Sounds like a unit mismatch, but I'm not too experienced with STL files.


Joachim Siegert

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Hi everyone,

I ran into the same issue: opening the .slt-files provided at (as linked on with Ultimaker Cura results in an automatic upscaling by 10,000% which makes it way too big, but going to 100% doesn't make sense either because then the watch casing is roughly 1 cubic millimeter in size.
My best guess is that the unit used to create the .slt files is inches, hence I would have to upscale by 2540% (one inch being 25.4mm) to get the correct size in millimeters. Can anyone confirm? Or can anyone simply provide the actual dimensions of the watch casing? Couldn't find those.



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I have all the components for the Smart Watch (bought them separately) but am having trouble printing the case.  When I downloaded the files, they weren't marked as .stl files.  I added the extension and was able to open the files in both Cura for Lulzbot and TinkerCad but the size is super small. I can scale it up but don't know what the exact dimensions are. What's up with this?


I don't personally have the SmartWatch kit, but I can confirm that the model appears to be in inches (this is *not* a problem with the files - an STL file has no way to include scale and/or units information).  Since Cura for Lulzbot assumes that all dimensions are given in mm, you should simply use the "Scale" function & scale each axis (X, Y, & Z) equally by a constant 25.4.  You parts will then be printed at the proper size.

Good luck & have fun !!

Mark J Culross


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