But maybe another thing to bring up is what you'd use it for.
That's a good question - I want to have screenshots and maybe even gif animations for posting them online. Right now I take photos, but that is highly inconvenient.
Apart from that, it would also be useful for debugging.
I am working on a general purpose scanline rendering system where I send individual lines to the screen. I could duplicate that to the serial port as well. But then I need a protocol and a listener on the other side, etc. etc. So I was curious how you would others do that. For instance, I could also imagine that having a wifi board, you could simply send UDP packages to a host with each line as content and a small header to describe the data. I think personally I would prefer that since it's easier to interface that. I just don't have a wifi board (and don't know if that would be possible).
Another thing is that I am wary of spending flash memory to do that because I am operating on the limits of memory. So another consideration would be to minimize (software) overhead and use something much simpler. The serial library for instance is burning some kb just alone for itself. I don't know how a wifi shield library would impact the flash memory.