TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Tinyduino motion logger
« on: June 11, 2015, 03:50:59 AM »
Following this question:
I would like to create a little device that log accelerometer motions for 2 weeks on battery. So
- Tiny Accelerometer
- Tiny Duino
- Tiny Battery
- Tiny SDCard ?
The idea is to do something like motion cookies from sen.se (https://sen.se/store/cookie/)
But I don't know
- if it is possible and how to handle the battery ?
- if i have to add something to keep track of the timestamp (because 3 shield is already big object)
Did someone already do that ?
Following this question:
I would like to create a little device that log accelerometer motions for 2 weeks on battery. So
- Tiny Accelerometer
- Tiny Duino
- Tiny Battery
- Tiny SDCard ?
The idea is to do something like motion cookies from sen.se (https://sen.se/store/cookie/)
But I don't know
- if it is possible and how to handle the battery ?
- if i have to add something to keep track of the timestamp (because 3 shield is already big object)
Did someone already do that ?