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Topics - supuflounder

Pages: 1
New Product Ideas / Connectors+Eagle drawings
« on: October 11, 2017, 11:25:56 PM »
I have an idea.  It involves a couple SMT chips.  It would be potentially part of a stack.  What I need is the step just before the protoboard:  I need to buy the stacking connectors, and I need a “blank” Eagle drawing that essentially puts the pads down for the connectors, has the mounting holes, and allows me to design my own external circuitry.  I can’t mount 32-pin SMT packages on a board with .1” through-hole support, nor the several discrete resistors (0402) and capacitors (0603), op amps, and other parts, which I know will fit the form factor.  I need to buy just the connectors to stack it, but I have to be able to put my own SMT circuits on a custom board of my own design.  I could potentially reverse-engineer the footprints, buy a protoboard and desolder the connectors, and go frm there, but it seems silly when you could sell me the connectors for a reasonable price.

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