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Pages: 1
Thumby / Blockly sometimes seems to refuse inputs.
« on: December 11, 2023, 04:18:51 AM »
Check the code before reading

When I change DeciNumNum to 1 (to add in 10s instead of 1s) at first it seems the emulator (it's the same on hardware) doesn't register up and down inputs in that state, but when you spam the up or down button it sometimes (rarely and randomly) registers the input and adds a 10. I can change DeciNumNum back to 0 and add in 1s no problem, i checked the code plenty of times, and haven't found any issues. When i print the variables to the console everything works as intended besides adding 10s.

Thumby / Re: Blockly graphics not working
« on: December 01, 2023, 06:03:22 PM »

Could you share a screenshot of your blockly program? I can help you debug it that way.

Figured it out, i didn't put the Draw to display block beforehand. Still, if i see draw to display it should draw to display without anything else no?

The draw block/code is required. Drawing everything out to the screen right away would take more time and impact performance. When you draw anything it is put in a buffer very quickly (compared to sending data to the screen) and then the entire buffer is sent in one transmission to the screen when you use the draw block.

Another issue would be that it only works in a loop? First does, second stays on print to display

Thumby / Re: Blockly graphics not working
« on: December 01, 2023, 05:37:38 PM »

Could you share a screenshot of your blockly program? I can help you debug it that way.

Figured it out, i didn't put the Draw to display block beforehand. Still, if i see Draw white fill, it should draw to display without anything else no?

Thumby / Blockly graphics not working
« on: November 23, 2023, 07:45:53 AM »
I wanted to make something not too complicated (blockly) but also relatively hard and currently missing from the arcade (as far as i'm aware), so i'm trying to make an all-in-one calculator, but basically all blocks from the graphics tab don't work, besides the print to display one. It's kinda hard to graph a quadratic funtion without drawing pixels. I tried with a much simpler program too, to see if it was maybe something else, but no.

TL;DR: Blockly graphics tab not working, not my fault

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