New user, cannot connect to TinyScreen+ 'No device found on ttyACM0'

Lax · 2 · 3864


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I recently purchased a TinyScreen+.  I am running Kubuntu 22.04 (LTS).  I am following the tutorial here: and am running into an issue.  When I try to upload the Blink or TinyScreen example I am always greeted with this error:
Code: [Select]
No device found on ttyACM0 
I am a member of the 'dialout' group and did run the following
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0.  I have correctly selected the correct Board and Port in the Arduino IDE but now I am stuck.

Running both
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 &
Code: [Select]
lsusb I see the TinyScreen+ as connected.  But now I am unsure how to troubleshoot?

I'm brand brand new to this so I apologize if my questions are easily answered or newb-ish.


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I figured this.  I needed to reboot or logout of linux and back in to allow it to see the 'dialout' group changes.

Just for future reference.!


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