Google Earth unable to read GPS Cat Tracker NMEA file

growe19 · 3 · 11009


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I followed the GPS Cat Tracker tutorial and have a gps.txt file written to the microSD card. Lots of raw data inside. I correctly renamed the file so it was no longer a txt extention but .nmea

Google Earth is unable to read it. I get a "Loaded no data" message appear. I also tried converting it on without luck. "No valid GPS data detected!"

I was also hoping to introduce the 16 Edge LEDs shield. I used the Sketch from this tutorial:

Unfortunately it seems like the GPS never gets a signal. All that happens is the lights flash around the edge which is the sequence for searching for satelites. 

I've attached the NMEA file if it helps someone with better knowledge.


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UGGG! Google Earth is being dumb!

I tried to open you GPS file in Google Earth on my laptop but it pops up some error message but the message disapeers before I can see what it says !!!

I took a look at the file and it has data in it.  I'll bug Ken about it the next time I see him.


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Your file has no location data. If you look at the text file, the $GPGGA line is the location sentence. The first item is the time of the fix (190413.838 for your first one, this is 19:03:13 UTC), the following comma separated elements should be the latitude, longitude, then other data. Yours are all blank - nothing between the commas. Your GPS must not have had a fix.

Check out : for what all the lines and data elements should represent.

Dr. Joe


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