There are LOTS of bluetooth LE arduino boards out there but the majority of this lock you into a specific control GATT service in order to talk to the board. I am an experienced BLE programmer and I'd like to know if the Aruduino library gives me the control I need. Specifically: I want to setup the advertising packet. Here is how RFDuino does it:
RFduinoBLE_advdata = advdata; // an array of data I setup
RFduinoBLE_advdata_len = sizeof(advdata);
RFduinoBLE.advertisementInterval = 1000; // advertise every 1000ms
This would be perfect. BTW, I went to the bluegiga website and got lots of specs but I couldn't find anything about the arduino library and that's the rub. Without clarification on your arduino interface to the bluegiga, it's not clear what we are allowed to do.
One more thing: It's out of stock: will it be shipping again soon?