WiFI TinyShield & WiFi101 interact with LED_BUILTIN

dnl · 1 · 12266


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I'm using a TinyZero with the WiFi (WINC1500) Tiny Shield in a cloudless monitoring project. While porting the code from an Adafruit platform to Tiny Circuits devices, I saw the WiFI driver interacted with the builtin LED (LED_BUILTIN). There's no such interaction with the Adafruit WINC1500 device.

I isolated the problem using the WiFi sample code at https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Communication/WiFi_TinyShield_Tutorial/. I added code to turn the builtin LED on at the start of setup(); the LED is turned off when WiFi.begin() is called (also WiFi.status()). The LED cannot be turned on again after the call. WiFi.setPins() does not affect the LED. Modulo this interaction, the example code works as expected. My much larger monitoring project also works as expected, which includes AP and client modes (the latter uses SSL).

I don't see any mention of this in the compatibility matrix at https://tinycircuits.com/pages/tinyduino-overview.

Please advise.


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