Bluetooth Low Energy TinyShield (ST) and nRF UART v2.0

dnl · 1 · 5911


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A note for future users of the Bluetooth Low Energy TinyShield (ST). The tutorial demonstrates using nRF UART v2.0. The Android app does not appear to be current and fails. Fortunately, I did suceed with nRF Toolbox and its Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) function.  To use, select the funtion, press All when the scanner starts, select BlueNRG, et voilĂ !

General Discoverable Mode.
Connected to device:79-42-45-07-1A-48
12 : Hello, world

I also tried Serial Bluetooth Terminal, but it returns a message Connection failed: no write characteristic (4/16).



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