Just got my TinyTV2, and it's mostly wonderful, but ever since I added my first custom video, it seems like there's a 10% chance every time I turn the dial that it'll play the little static animation and show the channel number, but will just show the same video and channel as it was just on? Despite it starting after I added a video, this happens when changing between any two channels, not just when changing to/from my custom one. (It's possible that it has nothing to do with my custom video, and I just missed seeing it until that point, as it is still semi rare, although I have absolutely seen it happen multiple times in a row, as in it can take three turns of the dial, and three instances of static, before I see a different channel.)
If I could hazard a guess, it seems like maybe it's accidentally switching up and then immediately back down, or something? (Although it definitely happens when moving in either direction...) Has this happened to anyone else?