On the "Load Games/Video to an SD Card" page for the TinyArcade/PocketArcade, under the "Materials" heading, there's a URL link named "TinyGames.zip File". This link points to the most current version of the "Tiny-Arcade-All-Games.zip" which is obtained from the following URL: "
https://github.com/TinyCircuits/TinyCircuits-Tiny-Arcade-Games/raw/master/Tiny-Arcade-All-Games.zip". Farther down the "Load Games/Video to an SD Card" page, under the "Loading Games onto an SD Card" heading, at the end of the line that reads "We will download the most current .ZIP file for all the arcade games, which is found here.", the word "here" is a URL link which incorrectly points to the (out-of-date "
http://files.tinycircuits.com/TinyGamesAll.zip") file from the files section. Suggest that the second link be updated to point to the latest version (which would probably mean pointing it to the ZIP file in the github repository), or maybe better yet, remove this extra link, as the correct file is already referenced in the list of materials.
Thanks for continuing to make available & to support the PocketArcade. It remains an excellent platform in a very compact form factor.
Mark J Culross