Changing transmission frequeny of TinyShield Radio. Is it possible?


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Looking around I understand that the SI4432 radio chip on board the chip is programmable from 240 MHz to 930 MHz, but I'm unsure how one would go about doing this. I'm attempting to use LoRa (915 MHz) to send humidity information to a LoRa receiver. Would love to know if this is possible.

Thanks for any help.


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Hi there,

The best resource I could find is the datasheet for the SI4432 chip - starting in section 3.5 on page 25 the frequency control is detailed. You can download the datasheet here:

RH_RF22.h is the header file used by the transmitter example code, you can take a closer look into the RadioHead library on their github, or by downloading it:

That should point you in the right direction for configurations!



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