Error with Developing a Game for Tiny Arcade


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I searched the forum for this and came up with no results. I am no expert at this, though I do have a Computer Engineering degree.
I am following along with web page for developing a game for tiny arcade. After going through the whole thing, which is not a couple minutes, so going through the whole page and finally trying to load it onto my tinyscreen/ arcade, i get over 30 errors, so many that I cannot put them all on this forum. Instead, I have to attach a file for all to see. So, if anyone has time, go ahead, i dare you to read through them all and answer every error. I am really really unhappy with this, because this comes from the file that TinyCircuits provides.


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Hi there,

From your error log, it looks like you may not have the right boards package downloaded to be able to program the Tiny Arcade. Are you able to select "Tiny Arcade" in the Arduino IDE? Can you share a screenshot of what your Tools tab selections are and verify that you have the right port selected?

It looks like there may also be a linking error between different files since the bitmap names for bricks aren't recognized.

The tutorial covers the majority of the game constructs, but I don't recall how well it describes the order of content - you can check your files against the ones that the tutorial are based from in the bottom section that includes links to download the game files:

Lmk how it goes and how I can help!



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