Card Not Found issue related to power switch

AndyMo · 5 · 9432


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I am having trouble getting my TinyTV working.  If I re-seat the Shield and turn on the TV everything works okay.  However, once I turn off the TV using the sliding switch it will no recognize the card/shield.  Sliding the power button back up just gives me the old Card Not Found! error.   It seems the connection between the shield and main PCB is really precarious/flakey and it disturbed by the motion of the slide switch.

Anything you recommend that I can do? 

thank you - Andy


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update - that only seemed to work a couple of times.  Re-seating no longer seems to fix the problem anymore.   I checked the card on my PC (all good - it worked a couple of times on the Tiny TV as well).


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It seems like there is a bad connection. It doesn't happen often, but it's possible that some of the pins on the tan connectors could be bent from assembly at an angle. Are you able to inspect the pins on the connectors of the SD & Audio Shield and the TinyScreen+ and see any issues? If there are no issues, I do recommend a reassembly - don't forget to add the bracket pieces inside the TV to keep the two boards together.

If that doesn't work, you can try taking all the hardware outside of the TV to see if you can note any fitting difficulties or if it works outside of the case. It's possible the tolerance of thickness of the TV print is preventing a good connection between the two boards.

Let me know how it goes.



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I don't see any issue with the pins.  I have both boards out of the housing.  I also gave the contacts a blast of air in case there was something I couldn't see on my phone's zoom. 

It just doesn't seem to consistently work.  It will recognized the card maybe 1 times our of 40 (or more?). 

I took a video if that helps - but it would be a big file to send


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Can you take a shorter video?

Otherwise, you can message us through our contact form and we can get you some replacement hardware:


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