No output from microphone Wireling

Rydez · 5 · 13230


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Hi! I'm having a bit of trouble that I'm hoping someone can help me out with. I have a TinyZero with a Wireling adapter connected, then I have a Wireling microphone connected to port 0 of the adapter. I've compiled and uploaded the example code found here

Here's an image of the connected boards:

My issue is that it seems that the microphone is not detecting sound. When I open the serial plotter, I see this: It doesn't change when I clap, or try to make any other noises.

When I change the pin to check the other three ports I see: Again, no change with noise.

When I change the pin to a non-existent port, A4, I see: Again, no change with noise.

I've tried connecting the microphone to different ports and that didn't help.

I can't tell if the microphone is broken, or if I'm missing something silly. Any help would be great!


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I should also note that I've tried swapping out different wires. And, I've tried the WirelingScanner found here ( The scanner did not detect anything from the microphone, but I also plugged in a speaker Wireling, and the speaker seems to respond intermittently.


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The microphone will detect the ambient noise, so the noisy output makes sense. With the serial plotter open, I recommend making a very loud noise or blowing into the microphone hole.

The Wireling Scanner might not give useful information since the analog state of High or Low isn't always helpful - the microphone could be detected as a logic Low and wouldn't produce different output from the default "Low" state being output from the program.

Let me know if that helps!



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Thanks for the response! I went to attempt your instructions, but then I tried to clap and it detected it. I think I only tried different wires when using the WirelingScanner. But, I left the new wire in, so maybe I have a broken wire? Or maybe it was something else. I don't know, but it's working!


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I'm glad you were able to sort out the solution (or maybe it sorted itself out?  ;D)

Something to watch out for with the Wireling system that happens rarely - the pins on the inside of the connector on the Wirelings or the Wireling Adapter Shield can have the pins bent when the wires are plugged in at an angle. It's always a pin furthermost right or left, so it could be either the GND or INT pin that isn't connected when this happens.

If this happens - you can straighten out the pin carefully with some thin tweezers and some magnification (or good eyes)


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