Please add support for tinyscreen+ to PlatformIO, most works, just not screen.

DevL0rd · 4 · 12915


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I am unsure how to properly add support for this. if there is any other information I can provide to help, let me know.
The libraries are all here in from tinycircuits but the board support does not exist, however it does for the original TinyDuino.

I am using this board as a way to learn some lowerlevel c programming. But the arduino ide is horrible and would love for this to work here.

I get the issue where the variable &SPI1 is not defined at line 604 of TinyScreen.cpp.
If I remove the line however code compiles and uploads, and it is running according to the serial monitor output, however the screen does not function. I even got the 9-axis sensor working :D

I am using this as my platfomio.ini

platform = atmelsam
board = zeroUSB
framework = arduino
; change microcontroller
board_build.mcu = samd21g18a
lib_deps =
I would like to learn to do this myself aswell, once I learn I can add the rest of the boards as I have all of them in my collection.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2021, 04:22:54 PM by DevL0rd »


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I was able to get the TinyScreen+ to work with PlatformIO by changing 'SPI1' to 'SPI' in the Tinyscreen.cpp source file @ line 487.

Also, I added 'SPI' to the platform.ini file under 'lib_deps'. See line 18 of the attached screenshot.

Let me know how this works for you!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 09:25:41 AM by Jason »


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It looks like this is at least nearly a solved problem.  Could you post more specifics of what was done and what is and isn't working?  I would like to use tinyscreen+ and tinyzero with PlatformIO.



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It looks like this is at least nearly a solved problem.  Could you post more specifics of what was done and what is and isn't working?  I would like to use tinyscreen+ and tinyzero with PlatformIO.


This was a year ago. Things may have changed since then.

Have you tried using a TinyScreen+ or TinyZero with PlatformIO? What errors are you getting?


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