Thank you very much for your informative reply, I have downloaded the appropriate libs and successfully ran the sketch.
I would not have figured out the reason for the error for myself. So thank you again.
I would like to point out that the
Real-Time Clock TinyShield Tutorial page on your site ( ), where I downloaded the
Real-Time Clock TinyShield Arduino Sketch, Specifically states the appropriate hardware for the sketch as TinyDuino
OR TinyZero. You might want to revise that to indicate the sketch is only intended for avr architecture boards like TinyDuino.
As an aside, can I still use the
RTC Shield as a real-time clock, even though I have an onboard RTC on the
SAMD21? if so, what libraries would I need to do so?
Also, since the TinyZero board, unlike the TinyDuino, has no Coin cell battery support, is it possible to use the RTC Shield's coin cell to power the TinyZero board on standby mode?
Thank you again for your reply.