I posted this on Discord a couple of weeks ago, but the forum had some issues for me. Let's see if things work today

I've ported my CHIP-8 / SCHIP / XO-CHIP interpreter to MicroPython for Thumby. It seems to work pretty reliably with every ROM file I throw at it. Once I have a physical Thumby to test with, I'll go and tweak a couple of things and see if I can squeeze out a couple of additional features.
If you didn't know, CHIP-8 and friends are an interpreted programming language, going back to the '70s, with a huge assortment of very simple games. I thought this is a great fit for the Thumby, and also a testament of how far computing has come. What was once the pinnacle of computer gaming for hobbyists now runs on a cheap keychain, with pixels and memory to spare

See my Github repository for more background information and how to run the thing: