
Shring · 2 · 5421


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Is there anyway of increasing volume or installing ear bud jack?


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Hi there! This question is answered on the TinyTV FAQ:

Here's the pasted info from there:
- You should be able to get around 2-5x the sound by pressing and installing the speaker more firmly. To do this, take off the white sticker and adhere the speaker firmly against a flat surface (like on the inside of the TV's back panel). It may help to have the TinyTV on with a video playing and testing the audio while pressing on the speaker.

- The volume on the TV is limited by the volume of the video that is converted using the TSV Converter. Make sure that you are converting videos with louder volume, or consider editing the volume on a video with a utility like Photoshop.

Let me know if you need any clarification on that info! An earbud jack is theoretically possible, but this would require some hardware and software knowledge, so I would not recommend pursuing that route if you are not experienced with embedded systems.



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