TinyTV modification with shields - Wifi/BLE

vihor · 2 · 6189


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Hi all, I'm new to this forum. Just pre ordered the TinyTV kit and can't w8 to get it to thinker with it   8) ;D

Before I can dive into it I was wondering if it is possible to attach another tiny shield like WiFi or BLE to the TV kit?
This would also require adding more space to the 3D case design, which shouldn't be a problem to reprint, but is it feasible?

If so it can  be used in a lot more cool ways!

Thanks in advance!


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I believe the Bluetooth TinyShield would fit into the case readily, but this would get in the way of the SD Card access. Additionally, the Micro SD & Audio TinyShield are not compatible due to some pin conflicts, so you could use the bluetooth with the screen, but you wouldn't be able to play videos or audio. Here's the compatibility matrix: https://learn.tinycircuits.com/TinyDuino_Overview/#tinyshield-compatibility

The Wifi tinyshield is longer than any of the TinyShields, so it would not fit into the case and would need a significant re-design.

I will add that the case might reduce bluetooth ability due to the physical barrier, but I haven't tested this and can't say for sure.



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