Hello! I found this forum because I've had the notion of carving and assembling miniature lanterns, and putting mini-LED "candles" into them. The problem is that my knowledge and understanding of electronics is rudimentary. So I was wondering:
Is there a "For Dummies" type of booklet for TinyCircuits and "arduino"? ((I am not sure yet what "arduino" really is...))
I know - I'm impatient. I get the notion to make something, and I want to make it ASAP.
Most of the time, I figure things out very quickly, but Electronics, or at least, anything much beyond connecting a battery, a resistor, and an LED, seems to be something of a maze, because there seem to be so many "systems".
TinyCircuits appeals to me, though, because, well, it's *tiny*.
So, if anyone can suggest any sources of introductory information for using these and for "arduino", that would be great!
Maybe it could even eventually be part of a FAQ...?
Thanks in Advance!