Thumby Smash Version 6 Character Expansion Poll


Which Character do you want to see added to Thumby Smash Version 6.

1 (20%)
3 (60%)
1 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 5


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Ive been working on Thumby Smash a few weeks now, and am really proud of my progress. Version 6 is in the works. Versions 2-4 were all bug fixes,and Version 5 was configuration options.  Ive sketched out character ideas for 3 new characters. Which character would you like to see added to the game in version 6? I plan to add all of these at some point, but this will help me set my priorities.

  • Victus
Close-Range Melee with high damage, high range melee attack with low damage.

  • Tempestas
midranged attack, can summon lightning from the top of the map, but with a high cooldown

  • Ovum
Low HP, but powerful ranged attack that launches birds



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