thumby.display.drawSprite(inspr, x, y, width, height, mirrorX, mirrorY, key)
Hi again,There is a new 'IMAGE' button in the bitmap builder so you can import images (limit being 72 x 40) to the builder and then export to code.Also, the Code: [Select]drawSprite(...) function allows for mirror on the X & Y axes: Code: [Select]thumby.display.drawSprite(inspr, x, y, width, height, mirrorX, mirrorY, key)See the new Thumby API docs: https://github.com/TinyCircuits/tinycircuits.github.io/blob/master/ThumbyAPI.md
Other than having the ability to flip bitmaps, is the drawSprite function basically the same as blit then? And many thanks for the image button; I've been using a pixel art website to design my Thumby sprites, so I won't have to draw them a second time now.