TinyArcade not playing video from SD

butter · 2 · 11612


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I read on different threads here that the Arcade is capable of playing both video and games. However I cannot make it play video's. When I insert an SD with just a tsv video it gets stuck on the Finding SD Card... screen. If there is a game on it as well I can start the game just fine but the video does not show up in the menu.
Reformatting hasn't worked (and would be weird if it did cuz it does read games fine).

I have run through the Menu Update tutorial already, this did not solve it. I have also tried to upload the TinyTV code.
This allowed me to play the video fine except the screen was upside down and volume controls were weirdly mapped on the joystick. In the code I found display.setFlip(true) which when set to false does play the video right but also replaces volume with on/off. Plus of course TinyTV does not play games :(

My ideal final outcome is a tinyarcade that plays video from internal memory without SD card but I am not sure if that's even possible. I just can't figure out why my Arcade refuses to play tsv video's from the SD..

Can someone help me out? Thanks a lot!


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Hiya butter,

You should be able to access any videos with the .tsv extension on the SD Card using a Tiny Arcade with the "Video Player" option. This menu option is included in the "All Games" .zip fille found on multiple pages where you can download all the Tiny games, like here: https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Kits/Tiny-Arcade-All-Games/

There should be a "Video Player" folder in this zip file which should be moved to the SD Card, I attached a zip of this folder so you can see how it looks, or download it directly.

Then you can scroll through the Tiny Arcade games to the "Video Player" option. Select the Video Player like you would any game, and then you will have a scroll menu of all the .tsv extension videos available on the SD Card. Select a video to play it. You should be able to fast forward and rewind with the joystick, and then you can pause/play using the select button, and you can exit the video file using the other button.

You will need the SD Card for this, as the most the processor memory could hold in terms of video would be a few seconds - which is not very useful.

In answering this post, I've realized there is no formal documentation on this process - so I will look into where I can add this info for anyone else with the same question. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

I hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions!



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