Motor x4

flyntm · 3 · 6705


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I'm starting a new project and I have a Motor X4 Tiny Shield that I purchased several years ago.  I  understand that it's obsolete, but is there any reason I shouldn't use it as opposed to buying a new Dual Motor shield? BTW  I only need 2 motors.


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As far as I know, there is no reason not to use it if you have it and it makes sense for your project. The current Dual Motor Shield is an updated version that adds more functionality with the JST-SH connectors so you can use a small rechargeable lithium battery, as well as being able to plug in motors rather than solder them or use a breadboard like you would need to do for the obsolete board.

The current board is also cheaper with 2 motor chips rather than 4. Either option works for your project, so I would say to give the obsolete board a shot. The tutorial is here for the Motor X4 TinyShield:

Let me know if you have any problems or questions!



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Thanks for your help.  I'll give it a go.


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