TinyScreen Smart Watch Compiler issues


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Heya folks, I'm kind of a newbie at this kind of programming and I'm having trouble with uploading a sketch onto the watch to continue. The easiest parts, of course have been the drivers and updating them and getting my computer to recognize the device but the IDE is throwing errors and I'm not comfortable going any further. I've included a screenshot of the errors. Am I missing something? Is there a library that is wrong? I went to get the updated library files on github but nothing seems to work.

Please, I'm really inexperienced and I just wanted to prove to myself I could do this and any help is greatly appreciated.


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Sorry to hear about the errors. The first thing I would recommend is verifying you are able to program the TinyDuino using the TinyDuino getting started tutorial: https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Processors/TinyDuino_Setup_Tutorial/

The errors you have mean that there is an issue uploading the program to the processor board. The usual culprits are:
0. The micro USB cable you are using does not have the data wires to be able to program your TinyDuino - many micro USB cables that are used as chargers for electronics only have the power and ground wires. You can try using a few other cables if you have them.
1. The processor power switch is OFF and needs to be flipped to ON.
2. The Tools selections in the Arduino IDE aren't the correct selections for the processor you are using. You can find the correct Tools selections on the getting started page I linked above. Make sure you have the "3.3V and the 8MHz" option selected!

I hope that helps!

Let me know if you are still getting errors and if they change.




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I was able to complete the basics of setup for the screen and the board itself. The blink test worked and I did see some lines and shapes on the tinyscreen however, when I try to upload the smartwatch sketch I get the error:

SmartWatchAndroidST:13:6: error: 'i' does not name a type
exit status 1
'i' does not name a type


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I tested the Android ST example that you can download from the Smart Watch Learn page (https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Kits/TinyScreen-Smart-Watch-Kit_Tutorial/). Using a TinyDuino, USB TinyShield, ST BLE TinyShield, and TinyScreen, I had no problem uploading the program.

There are some warnings that will pop up during the upload, but I receive a "Done uploading" message after waiting. Do you have the right hardware? Does the program upload successfully after the warnings? Did you make any modifications?

I attached the program I used and the supporting libraries so that you can verify if you have the correct libraries downloaded.

Let me know how it goes for you.


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Hi, I'm having an almost similar issue with compiling the sketch with my Arduino IDE. I verified that my TinyZero works by uploading the blinking led example but when I opened SmartWatchAndroidST.ino and clicking upload, I'm presented with 2 errors.

redefinition of 'long unsigned int millisOffsetCount' and 'ble_can_sleep' was not declared in this scope.

Any help is greatly appreciated


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The redefinition error is most likely due to downloading a library or arduino program and having duplication somewhere in your Arduino folders. I recommend going through and deleting all traces you have of the example and starting over with the libraries included above to make sure you have the right folders in the right places.


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I finally had some success in getting the screen to display the time and work correctly but now I seem to having trouble pairing the watch to my phone via bluetooth. The app cannot seem to locate the watch when I scan for it. I'm able to locate the watch. It shows up as a BlueNRG and asks for a PIN before I can pair the phone to the watch.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 10:41:42 PM by dreckbot »


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