Hi there!
We recently ordered the i) Tiny Screen+, and the ii) Matrix LED with a TinyZero Processor board. I have a couple of questions about both:
i) I was able to turn the Tiny Screen+ ON using the micro-USB cable connected to my computer, but I'm still trying to figure out how to program it. For example, we would like to program to light up the screen pixel by pixel- is it possible to do that? If so, are there any codes already available for that?
ii) For the Matrix LED display, I was able to run it using an example program that I could download from your website so the LEDs were lit up similar to the one shown in this link:
https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Display/Matrix-LED_TinyShield_Tutorial/However, now, my computer is not able to recognize the processor board anymore.
Following is the error message:
Arduino: 1.8.13 (Mac OS X), Board: "TinyZero, Default"
Sketch uses 11820 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Couldn't find a Board on the selected port. Check that you have the correct port selected. If it is correct, try pressing the board's reset button after initiating the upload.
Appreciate your help!