I still don't think things are correct yet.
In the assembly instructions, I read
STEP 6: NOTE: Calibrate all servos before continuing – to do this plug all servos into the RobotZero processor with a charged battery (to charge: plug the battery into the RobotZero, and plug the RobotZero into a power source using a Micro USB cable). When plugged in, the servos will be centered. Be careful not to move the output shafts once calibrated.
But when I look at the latest code I see this in setup()
servo.setServo(1, 1500);
servo.setServo(2, 1500);
servo.setServo(3, 1500);
servo.setServo(4, 1500);
Which WILL center the servos, however, 1 second later, the servos are moved to different positions:
servo.setServo(frontBackServo, 2200);
servo.setServo(upDownServo, scanningHeightServoPosition);
Which sets the claw to closed (I think this is correct because the claw is assembled closed in the assembly instructions)
However, I'm not sure if the frontBackServo and upDownServo assembly matches these servo arm positions.
I'll take the robot apart, run this code and then complete the assembly and let you know.