Dual Motor Tiny Shield with LEDs

flyntm · 2 · 6693


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This is probably crazy talk but is there any reason I couldn't use a Dual Motor Tiny Shield to drive a batch of LEDs?  Specifically, I have 4 LEDs (350 ma - 3.4 V) connected in parallel with a 10-ohm resistor per LED.  Thus,  the total current draw is 1400 ma.  I'm using a 6V battery as the voltage source.  It occurs to me that this would allow me to use PWM to control the brightness of the LEDs.

Crazy?  and Thanks


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Yes, you could use a Dual Motor TinyShield to drive some LEDs. Since the LEDs draw quite a bit of power, it would probably be best to attach the series of LEDs to both motor outputs so that you don't have to approach the upper limit (1.8A) on one of the motor chips.

This has been done by others with other motor chips, so it's not a crazy idea if it makes sense for your project.



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