Simple implementation of TinySNAKE & TinySimon


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I recently ordered & received a PocketArcade kit.  After downloading & installing the ZIP collection of games, I was inspired to try my hand at implementing my own simple versions of TinySNAKE (aka Nibbles) & TinySimon (aka memory).  The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" & "TinySimon" (no title screen video yet for either, but they do still show up in the initial menu system) can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross


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Updated versions are now available at the link described earlier.  The new versions include Ben Rose's recommendation for fixing the inconsistent volume when calling tone().
(see for discussion of the original problem)

Mark J Culross


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The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" & "TinySimon" have been updated.  Both now include rough-cut title screen videos.  TinySNAKE now includes a "Demo Mode" that runs after 5-seconds of no activity (START was not pressed) on the initial splash screen.

These updates can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:


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Found some time over the Thanksgiving holiday for some more refinements, so the source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" have been updated.  The TinySNAKE "Demo Mode" now runs after a 10-second countdown (as long as START was not pressed) on the initial splash screen.  I shortened the length of the "beeps" to alleviate an occasional hang-up problem.  I spent most of the time improving the algorithm (again) for hunting apples in demo mode...writing the original game was a breeze, compared to the interesting challenge of writing the demo mode, or as one of my game collector friends calls it, "attract mode" from the arcade cabinet era, operations !!

As before, these updates can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:


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