LMS6002DFN datasheet just specifies the pick up control goes yet does not determine the outright pick up of various Rx and Tx pieces.
Much obliged ahead of time to illuminate me if there is an archive where I can discover answers to the accompanying inquiries:
1) Given 1 Kohm input impedance for the ADCs, and accepting the beneficiary is set for most extreme pick up, what input control (single tone consistent wave) produces the 1 Vpp flag swing at the contribution of the ADCs?
2) What might be the Tx yield control when DAC is producing single tone ceaseless wave full-scale yield flag of 250 MVP under the most extreme Tx pick up setting?
3) What is the greatest pick up of the beneficiary utilizing distinctive LNAs, and the pick up of individual pieces in Rx chain? What is the most extreme pick up of the transmitter and the pick up of the individual squares in Tx chain?
4) What is the SFDR of the ADC for full-scale input or - 1 dBFS input flag?
5) What is the ADCs full-scale input flag swing (1 Vpp or 1.8 Vpp)?