Just got my Tiny Arcade unpacked today - Real small and real nice

At first it was skipping through all the games and not accepting any inputs, then wouldn't turn off...
...i had the pre-built model though, and seems to have just become a bit loose during transit I guess.
I opened it, rebuilt with the screen firmly attached to board and the power slide switch seemed to fit itself nicely again.
Now is all good and works as it should

But, one thing which seems missing, is the option to return to the main game list menu.
There is no shortcut for that is there? You have to power off/on again, right?
Any chance of this being addressed in a software update in future, or perhaps already on the wishlist?
Something like holding both buttons in for 3 seconds to return to the game list menu, would be a welcome feature for me
Aside from that, so far so good, look forward to trying out the other games on it