Project with Vibration, weight and BLE - Is it working like this?

Thea · 1 · 5967


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Hallo together,

I m an absolute newbie all around here. Therefore excuse me for everything stupid :)
I need to write my bachelor thesis about an IoT-topic and implement the same.
All in all its a wearables-project which needs to get te weight of a bag, gives an output over an vibration and send some datas over bluetooth low energy to an app.
In the moment i m trying to figure out what i need to order, and what is fitting together.
So here is my Question: Following components are on my list to order. Will it work with this ones or am i missing something?

-Tinyduino Processorboard
-Tinyshield USB (only for connection)
-Tinyshield Protoboard
-Tinyshield BLE
-VPM2 Vibrating Disk Motor (vibration motor)
-Flexiforce A401 (weight sensor)
-some wires and resistors

Do i need anything else? Do i need a tinyshield motor x4(for connecting the vibration motor)?

Thanks to everyone. Would be a really big help for me to get to know if i m planning it right.


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