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Thumby / Re: Doom
« Last post by Kyle7874 on June 18, 2024, 08:45:52 PM »
Thanks for the amazing job on porting doom rp2040 to Thumby!

I had a blackscreen issue too, thanks for the fix above regarding lowering SPI clock, now it works.
Although there is still a problem with syncronization (not that stable like other greyscale thumby games) .
Also doesn't work for me (I think because of the same SPI issue)

1. I have wondered is there a way to match text params to the one in i_video.c?
My params which work fine for me: gsV3,timing,110,oled,1.
2. Is it a good idea to find more precise SPI clock setting? Now I am using 6000000

In attachment some compiled binaries for people with the same problem

New here and my very first post. I am using one of these little Tv's in an Rc project I am working on. Once I get some work done I will post info on the build.  We will see. 
TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: detect other BlueNRG
« Last post by aftenine on June 04, 2024, 03:30:58 PM »
The trick is that you need to subscribe!

There is a notifications channel (you will see it in the profiles in the supporting ino).

Once you get the UUID you can subscribe to it. Or any other characteristic.

BLE is pub sub  sorta
TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Power IMU + Bluetooth TinyZero
« Last post by aftenine on June 04, 2024, 03:26:58 PM »
I have a 3.7v battery + tinyzero + imu + bluetooth. My code and everything works great with no battery or even with battery plugged in but hooked up to computer. Once i disconnect from computer, nothing. Tried (and ordered) several batteries. No dice. Charged. No dice.

Any ideas on power reqs? This setup should work off battery, right?
Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / outdated ZIP file from files section
« Last post by mjculross on June 03, 2024, 09:33:49 PM »
On the "Load Games/Video to an SD Card" page for the TinyArcade/PocketArcade, under the "Materials" heading, there's a URL link named " File".  This link points to the most current version of the "" which is obtained from the following URL: "".  Farther down the "Load Games/Video to an SD Card" page, under the "Loading Games onto an SD Card" heading, at the end of the line that reads "We will download the most current .ZIP file for all the arcade games, which is found here.", the word "here" is a URL link which incorrectly points to the (out-of-date "") file from the files section.  Suggest that the second link be updated to point to the latest version (which would probably mean pointing it to the ZIP file in the github repository), or maybe better yet, remove this extra link, as the correct file is already referenced in the list of materials.

Thanks for continuing to make available & to support the PocketArcade.  It remains an excellent platform in a very compact form factor.

Mark J Culross

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: TinyZero + GPS Sleep w/ RTC
« Last post by williambruno on May 30, 2024, 12:01:23 AM »

I have recently been trying to work out a way to sleep to conserve battery in-between GPS logs to the SD shield but find when I use the RTCZero sleep function that the device sleeps and never wakes. The wake is being fired as an alarm interrupt but I can’t seem to get it to wake. Has anyone encountered this issue before? If so… does anyone have a working example? For context I am using the TinyGPSPlus library to parse the GPS data and have my SD CS pin set to pin 10. merge fruit

For the RTC wake I am trying to log in intervals of 15 seconds and sleep between cycles. The GPS is connected via SoftwareSerial as the TinCircuits example provided.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I think you should check if you have configured the RTCZero library correctly to trigger an interrupt and wake up the device. You should set the alarm time and enable the alarm interrupt
Hi there!

I'd like to use my TinyTV2 to show the album art from Youtube Music when playing in the background by steaming the fullscreen window, but whenever the TinyTV2 is showing a static image it will flicker back to whatever video would normally be playing locally. If the Youtube chrome window is playing a video or anything else dynamic the stream works OK, but if the image is static and not the currently-selected window (minimized or on another virtual desktop) then the flickering starts. As soon as I go back to the window or a video starts the issue goes away.

Wondering if there's anything I can do to keep the static album image streaming without the cut in from the local video.


TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Battery Charging
« Last post by ptmarks on May 24, 2024, 06:59:49 PM »

Is there a way to determine when the battery is charged for the Tiny Video Player, and can I just keep it plugged in all the time, or will that create problems?

New Product Ideas / Re: Tiniest possible arduino
« Last post by CharlesGarcia on May 22, 2024, 03:16:20 PM »
Recently I've discovered this design for a 0.4" x 0.4" arduino compatible board: slice master

My proposal:
  • a similarily sized Tinyduino, possibly powered by a small battery cell
  • a neopixel addon board which can be soldered to the bottom side of the board (using spacers)

So cool
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Tiny TV stock videos corrupted
« Last post by Broken_Wings on May 22, 2024, 12:12:50 PM »
Hello. I bought the Tiny TV 2 recently, and after a few power cycles the display is reading 'Video file may be corrupted'. In the past, after a couple of power cycles the stock videos would come back. Now they will not. Unfortunately, I am out of my return window.

Is there a download of the stock videos available to upload to the Tiny TV? Is there a factory reset option that would restore everything?

Thanks in advance!
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