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I recently purchased a TinyScreen+.  I am running Kubuntu 22.04 (LTS).  I am following the tutorial here: and am running into an issue.  When I try to upload the Blink or TinyScreen example I am always greeted with this error:
Code: [Select]
No device found on ttyACM0 
I am a member of the 'dialout' group and did run the following
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0.  I have correctly selected the correct Board and Port in the Arduino IDE but now I am stuck.

Running both
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 &
Code: [Select]
lsusb I see the TinyScreen+ as connected.  But now I am unsure how to troubleshoot?

I'm brand brand new to this so I apologize if my questions are easily answered or newb-ish.
New Product Ideas / Re: Tiny "Retro Cable Box" for CRT televisions.
« Last post by nutmegsplosh on October 04, 2024, 12:13:03 AM »
I have set up a few 13 inch CRT  televisions as novelty or decor items for my friends. I outfit them with an analog TV converter box with a USB media player. They play old video footage on USB. bitlife

The Tiny TV style player would be so much better for these things. Loading up a bank of retro "cable" channels, Startup and go with no menu diving (the menus the analog converters have are difficult to view on small CRT's anyway) and having the channel flipping action like the Tiny TV has would be awesome & nostalgic. My old analog converters work like a media player rather than a retro cable box.
Your idea of transforming the 13-inch CRT televisions into retro, channel-flipping nostalgia machines using a Tiny TV-style player is great for capturing that old-school cable experience! It’s much more immersive than the traditional analog TV converter boxes, which can feel clunky with their media player-like interfaces. To get the experience of browsing through retro "channels" with the same satisfying channel-flipping action as Tiny TV, you could consider a couple of technical solutions to replicate this aesthetic and function.
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Maximum number of files?
« Last post by RavenWorks on September 29, 2024, 08:31:44 AM »
well, fwiw, I just bumped it to 200 and everything still runs, and I was able to view 101 files just fine; I didn't even have to change the channel-number-drawing routine?
General Discussion / Tiny tv 2 playing video twice instead of correct video
« Last post by PopeWithCelery on September 26, 2024, 04:22:24 PM »
I just put a video on the tiny tv 2 and one of my videos I put on before is on Chanel 9 and 10 instead of the video I just put on. both files play fine on my computer but won't play on the tv. any ideas?
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Tiny Video Player VIDEO NUMBERING ORDER WRONG
« Last post by DHAWTHORN on September 18, 2024, 05:02:23 AM »
Hello all, newbie here. I am completely baffled and in urgent need to help.

Every time i put videos on the microSD card, once on the player they are displayed with the first video starting on number 2 channel (little 2 down the corner of the screen).

I have even formatted the card again, I've even renamed one video as 'A' and added that onto the card alone and still with one video on the card it is still showing that video as channel 2.

please help me resolve this issue.

Thanks all and take care.
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Tiny TV Audio/Buzzing
« Last post by FarNorthTexas on September 16, 2024, 11:14:24 AM »
I've had my tiny TV for a while and have had no issues whatsoever.  Lately tho the there is a buzzing noise after a few minutes of play.  This isn't the retro audio effect but a new and somewhat annoying sound.  The buzzing gradually gets louder on its own and seems to peak after a few minutes - the volume up or down has no effect on the buzzing noise.  If I have the volume down all the way the noise is very obvious and with the audio to the max the noise isn't as noticeable since the regular audio covers it.  It doesn't appear to be any interference that I can't find.  I've attached a recording of it.  Thanks for any suggestions.
Thumby / Thumby not turning on; when it does, stuck at splash screen
« Last post by Vatoremperor on September 03, 2024, 11:10:50 AM »
The past few days, my 3-week-old Thumby has been turning on only irregularly.  In the last day, it almost never turns on, and when it does, it sticks at the "Tinycircuits" splash screen, or gets to the start screen where it freezes up after a few down-motions of the "start" arrow.  I was able to connect it to the computer in one instance, but generally the freezing prevents it from being recognized as a USB device. When plugged in, the charging light would turn on for a second or two before switching off, now it only flashes briefly after being plugged in. When it is plugged into a computer, all that shows in the shell window is in the attached screenshot.  Tried different cables with similarly inconsistent results.
Any idea what could be going on here?
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Maximum number of files?
« Last post by RavenWorks on August 31, 2024, 04:13:52 PM »
The source code to TinyTV2.h says that the maximum number of video files is defined as 100...  Would it be as simple as increasing that number if I wanted to raise the limit, or is there a technical reason that it can't go any higher?   (If it's about the number displayed in the corner when you change channels, I could fix that to match...)
General Discussion / Question about thumby color games.
« Last post by 7 on August 29, 2024, 09:53:21 AM »
How do I make them? Is there a editor or some sort of backed program for it, or is it just anything written in the appropriate language?
I want to use this as my on-ramp to learning micro-controllers. I have bought many, they are sitting in boxes, I just can't seem to get traction. I find this one motivating because its small and I have a specific need.

I want to be able to collaborate with someone else in coding. Should I be using CodeBender then? Or just stick with the Arduino IDE?
I am a minimalist web programmer and I find it off-putting when tens of thousands of files get installed for a dev environment, so CodeBender seems attractive. But I am wondering if it is relevant today? I have tried PlatformIO but that also blew me away for the same reason.

Should I even think about MicroPython or stick with C? I paid someone to do a long dev project on ESP32 and MicroPython kept bumping against the memory limits.

I guess I just need a step-by-step hello world to get started. I'll be ok after that.
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