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Thumby / Re: Doom
« Last post by henryg on February 03, 2024, 08:20:47 PM »
I got the splash image!!! The screen just went black after, but it at least got that far.
Never mind. The actual problem was QuickTime video player
Thumby / Re: Doom
« Last post by AncientJames on January 31, 2024, 12:16:31 AM »
I've built a version which puts the doom logo on screen for 2 seconds immediately on start, using conservative timings and no greyscale tricks. This might help establish where the problem is.
The uf2 file is attached here. It doesn't contain the whx data, but if you upload the 'single install' release first then this file, it should retain the data.

I think this is a new issue as I was able to make longer videos previously. I tried a few files & a reinstall. They all cut off at 1.5 hours of conversion. I'll try the same files on my PC tomorrow.

I'm trying to load some 5+ hour videos onto my TTV.
Code: [Select]
import thumby

thumby.display.setFPS(2) # frames per second
brightness = 127
colour = 0 # black
torch = 1 # white 'ON'
blink = 0

while(not(thumby.buttonA.pressed() and thumby.buttonB.pressed())):
    if thumby.buttonA.justPressed():
        torch = 1
    if thumby.buttonB.justPressed():
        torch = 0
    if thumby.buttonL.pressed():
        blink = 0
        torch = 1
    if thumby.buttonR.pressed():
        blink = 1
        torch = torch
    if blink == 1:
        torch = not(torch)
    thumby.display.fill(torch) # fill screen with pixels
    if torch > 0:
        if thumby.buttonU.pressed():
            #colour = 1
            if brightness <= 120:
                brightness += 7

                thumby.display.drawText("increasing", 6, 4, colour)
                thumby.display.drawText("%d" % brightness, 6, 20, colour)
       * 7,42)
        if thumby.buttonD.pressed():
            #colour = 0
            if brightness > 8:
                brightness -= 7

                thumby.display.drawText("decreasing", 6, 4, colour)
                thumby.display.drawText("%d" % brightness, 6, 20, colour)
       * 7,42)
Hi just wondered if ok as created my first (small) program for thumby today?

Edit: seen codei in other threads so guess ok.

below is a fun torch project.
General Discussion / Re: TinyScreen ASM2022 Not Working
« Last post by Thred1986 on January 30, 2024, 04:48:43 AM »
Did you solve the problem?
Thumby / Re: Doom
« Last post by htmlgames on January 29, 2024, 03:50:52 PM »
Possibly the uf2 file download from git is the wrong size 4029 v 4096 not sure if uf2 file format needs to be byte aligned?

Edit: using win11


UF2 Bootloader v3.0
Model: Raspberry Pi RP2
Board-ID: RPI-RP2

Edit2: tried also in Linux bash term - same as win11.

I'm allowing a minute or two for the boot loader to flash, for the stock firmware that's working fine.

final mention that the thumby web ui shows 1.4mb as total memory available, thought we got 2mb ?
Thumby / Re: Doom
« Last post by htmlgames on January 29, 2024, 09:41:34 AM »
This project is amazing fitting this into such a small memory for what doom wads need (I read the breakdown too).
So basically, I remove all files in the folder and replace with your single file and 'reboot' to run ?

Edit: fyi I get the black screen of doom too.

fireplace demo works ok ,will have to try 'old' way
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: My TinyTV 2 experience thus far:
« Last post by SeanSIMPLETHINGS on January 25, 2024, 07:48:12 AM »
Hey Ben. I tried sending you both an email and a PM. Your spam blocker blocked both and doesn't like URL's. If you have some less restrictive communication form I can share some videos with you.
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