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Messages - cptwinder

Pages: 1
My stack in order:
TinyDuino Coincell ASM2001-R-B
BLE ST Shield ASD2116-R
USB Shield ASD2101-R
Temperature/Humidity Shield ASD2511-R-T

My sketch is attached.

The problem I'm having is the temperature reads roughly 20 degrees high. After some Googling, I decided to see what some air flow over the stack would do, vs it just sitting on my desk. Since I don't have a fan handy, I simple hung it over the side from the USB cable and swung it back and forth. After several minutes the temperature reading dropped to 77 degree, which is pretty close to room temperature. Of course once I stopped swinging it the temp went back up. It doesn't seem to matter the orientation of the stack, whether it is vertical ||| or horizontal =, same readings.

My current thought is to get some readings at different ambient temperatures, then adjust the reading in software. But I would like to know how others have solved this issue.

Thank you!


TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: "Battery voltage
« on: November 26, 2019, 04:05:12 PM »

You didn't verify you were using the TinyScreen+ or one of the other TinyDuinos. If you are using this guy, it has a different processor than the TinyScreen+ and that sketch won't work.

I am currently using this library to read the Vcc voltage on the TinyDuino,

Hope this helps!

I have the TinyDuino and the BLE TinyShield (ST) and I'm attempting to setup BLE advertisement beacons to send sensor readings to any other device scanning.

The problem I am running into is the STBLE library is organized significantly different from any of the code I have been able to find as examples, that I haven't been able to make it work.

Has anyone created a beacon with the TinyDuino and this shield and would be willing to share their code so I can learn from it?

Thank you in advance!


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