TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: lithium battery management on TinyZero
« on: April 14, 2024, 11:54:58 PM »I'm also experiencing this difficulty. I'm not sure how to solve it. And I got my answer from you. Thank you, I've solved it.In practical terms, what does 'lithium battery management' mean for the TinyZero. Does it turn off so the battery does not go below a certain voltage? Also, does the lithium battery charge when the tinyzero is plugged in via the usb cable? basketball stars
Any help/insight appreciated, and thanks in advance to anyone who replies
The batteries themselves have circuitry that shuts off their output when the voltage gets low enough.
The battery management on the TinyZero is just the charging circuit. When not plugged in, the TinyZero will draw power from the battery as long as the battery voltage doesn't get too low and the battery shuts off its output. When plugged in, the TinyZero draws power from USB while at the same time the USB is used to charge the battery.